29 Jun

New AStA Website

Hello, since today, the AStA has a new website! So what does this change for you: Nothing! Because all the content of the former site, you will find also here. If you see any errors, please mail them to us via this mailing address: webseite@asta.tu-berlin.de Note: Some english content is missing, but will be added […]

12 Jun

Application for technical fund from Studierendenwerk

The technical fund from the Studierendenwerk can be applied since the 14.05. The motto is “first come, first served”, students can apply between 200 – 500 €, as long as the money lasts! We do not comment on this and just provide you the link. https://www.stw.berlin/unternehmen/themen/antrag-technikfonds.html Your social counselling

17 Apr

Welcome to the new semester!

This upcoming summer semester 2020 will be challenging for all of us. Nevertheless, the General Students’ Committee (AStA for short) will be there for you – just in an unfamiliar pure digital way! We also have had to adapt to this new form, but we are happy to continue offering you our extensive advisory service. […]

17 Apr

A challenging semester – AStA informs you

Of course, you have many questions this semester – even more than usual. The current situation is not easy for any of us, we are facing new challenges and circumstances. But especially at this moment it’s our particular task to make sure to be there for you to the full extent. As we already mentioned […]