What do we do
We offer a large selection of equipment for students to borrow for free. These are tools that students often need, but which are too expensive to afford individually. You can find the details about what we have on offer here.
So if you are planning a self-organised seminar, an initiative party, a student congress or a public rally, we are the ones to ask for equipment, But please keep in mind – the AStA is organising the equipment pool with the aim of supporting non-commercial student activities. It is not meant to be used for a personal career or private interests.
How do you get the equipment
As a rule, you should ask for, and reserve beforehand what you want to borrow. Get in touch with us, the best way is via email
Please tell us in your email when you will need the equipment, and for what you want to use it. The latter is important because, for example, we compile PA elements or lights according to your specific needs.
If you want to borrow or return something outside our opening hours, then arrange an appointment with us with enough advance notice. We can not guarantee that it will always be possible to find a suitable date.
You will need to pay a deposit please look up the specific amount required in these lists. Notwithstanding this payment, you are liable for all damages that may happen to the equipment, which exceed the amount of the deposit (see the lending contract). Note that we have a new deposit system since April 2014.
1. Inquire with the Technical Equipment Pool
Who are you? Tell us how we can reach you if we have questions.
What do you want to borrow? Please be as exact as possible and stick to the lists.
From when to when will you need this stuff?
What do you need it for? Character and purpose of the event you are planning
When it comes to sound equipment, the size of the room and of the crowd is important, because we will select the amplifiers and loudspeakers accordingly. Even if you already know which PA system you want, it might not be available.
2. After a positive response
Fill out the lending contract and bring it with you.
Sign it and pay the deposit.
Get the stuff within our opening hours please do not arrive at the last minute!
3. Before you return the material, remove all labels and notes you have made on cables and the mixing console. Please roll the cables. Check the cable leaflet for further details!
4. Bring back the equipment at the time we agreed upon, that is usually within our opening hours, and not at the last minute.
5. If there are no damages and everything else is fine, you will receive your deposit back.
mail: technikpool “ät” asta.tu-berlin.de
Tel.: (030) 314 – 25683 (only during office hours)
Adress: Str. des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin
Abholung: Ihr findet den AStA (inkl. Lager) seit Oktober 2012 im Gebäude TK, Eingang auf der Südseite.
Anfahrt über Straße des 17. Juni
Driving directions:

Useful stuff:
Lending contract (in German)
Lending checklist
These manuals should be used to learn about the technical equipment before you borrow it. Please respect copyrights.
Manual LED-Lichtanlage (KLS406)