Solidarity with the students of Belarus

Since the presidential elections in August 2020, Belarusians have been demonstrating peacefully against the illegitimate President Lukashenko. With the beginning of the academic year in September, students also formed an important group in the protest against Lukashenko’s violence and electoral fraud. They are fighting for a democratic Belarus. In the face of violent repression by the regime, they are demanding their rights and participating in strikes, demos, sit-ins and flash mobs.
Many hundreds of students have been detained for up to 15 days, with some even facing prison sentences of up to 3 years. Those who were released reported severe torture in prison. In addition, more than 100 students were exmatriculated for participating in the protest, others had their study scholarships revoked, and others received fines.
We stand in solidarity with the protest against Lukashenko, support the Belarusian students and demand the immediate release of all those detained in the course of the protests. We demand an immediate end to the violence!