
Please read the pandemic-related rules for entering the rooms of the AStA TU Berlin and follow them!: Rules for entering the rooms of the AStA TU Berlin

We are once again accepting financial requests! Due to the coronavirus, there have been two important changes:

1. You must come to the AStA office to submit your requests. We have put into place a contactless system for receiving your request. Please note: Dates for accepting financial requests may vary. Changes will be announced here.

2. The finance plenum is once again being held. However, you MUST sign up for an appointment. You can sign up for a time slot here.

Stay healthy!
Your TU AStA

The plenum is the central decision-making body of AStA. This is where all current topics and tasks are discussed and decisions made on financial requests (every two weeks). The plenum is open to all students.

To submit a request, fill out an application for funding and submit it to the AStA office either in person during office hours or by mail to:
AStA TU Berlin
Sek. TK 2
Straße des 17. Juni 135
10623 Berlin

If you would like to submit an application for funding at short notice, you may only do so with the express support of an AStA department. Your application must be submitted by 16:00, which is when we start discussing finances. Contact the relevant department directly. Further information about submitting financial requests is available from the Finance Department. Upcoming finance plenums, during which financial requests can be made beginning at 16:00: