23 Jul

Bafög changes and judgement on Bafög rates

Dear fellow students,We would like to inform you about changes in the Bafög law and a decision of the Berlin Administrative Court: Bafög changes From 05.06.2024, new BaföG changes will come into force:The so-called ‘Flexibiliätssemester’ authorises you, either in your Bachelor’s or Master’s degree, to extend your Bafög entitlement by one semester and without giving […]

09 Apr

Newsletter with information about BAföG, Bürgergeld, heating costs & more – AStA BAföG and Social Counseling summer semester 24

Dear fellow students, Welcome to our newsletter from the AStA TU BAföG and Social Counseling for the summer semester 2024! We advise students in solidarity and in a partisan manner on questions of student financing and co. In our new newsletter we want to inform you about news and changes around the topics of the combined AStA […]

12 Mar

The federal government plans to increase the BAföG repayment sum by €1,540, and the BAföG rates are not set to rise

The federal government has broken its promises regarding BAföG outlined in the coalition agreement. What’s worse, with the latest “reform” in 2024, the “BAföG debts” are set to increase from the current €10,010 to €11,550. This affects both new BAföG recipients and those who have not yet repaid or are in the process of repaying. […]

29 Feb

March 8th demonstration „feminism unlimited“

We want to call on you to demonstrate on March 8 and share the call of the feminist demonstration “feminism unlimited” here: „Feminism Unlimited – For universal feminist solidarity. Against selective feminism. Join us for the „feminism unlimited“ demonstration! March 8th, 3 pm, Helsingforser Platz, S Warschauer Str. We are a new alliance that has […]

15 Dec

Against all antisemitism and racism – on campus and everywhere else! Solidarity with all victims

In recent weeks, antisemitic and racist graffiti and propaganda have increasingly appeared on our campus at TU Berlin. Particularly Jews and BIPoC are being targeted and attacked, and/or are feeling unsafe. Antisemitism is currently on the rise, with reports indicating an increase of three hundred times. Jews, synagogues, and places and institutions marked as Jewish […]