31 Jan

Demands and information of the autonomous queer department on the change of name and gender at the TU Berlin

We, the autonomous queer department of the student union of the TU, have already recorded the video with the information and demands on name and gender entry changes at the TU Berlin in the summer semester 2021 and are only now getting around to publishing it.

We would like to point out that the date of our plenary assembly has changed. You can find the current dates on our website. In addition, the election of the speakers has taken place in the meantime. But for the next legislature there will be an election again, of course we will inform you on our Twitter and Facebook channels!

Here you can find the petition to sign #TINclusive Uni! And here is the TU page with information on changing the name and gender entry at the TU for students.

You can find our text from the video in the following section:

Introduction Queer Department: We are the autonomous Queer Department at the student union of the TU Berlin. We want to create spaces for queer, trans* and inter* students and all other queers, to empower each other and to fight with you against a cis-heteronormative and binary university.
We also organise workshops, film nights and other queer events.
Normally there is a queer assembly every year, where the speakers for the queer department are elected, but due to the pandemic this election has unfortunately been postponed so far. As soon as there is a new queer assembly and election, we will let you know.
We usually organise several events in our room at the student union and an open plenary assembly every week. Since the pandemic we currently meet every second Wednesday at 4 pm for the plenary and are currently organising the first digital Queer Beer.
If you are interested in getting to know the Queer Department, coming to the plenum or Queer Beer just write us an email. You can find the address on the student union’s homepage!

Instructions for changing your name and gender entry: It has only been possible for the last year to change your name on the student portal simply with the dgti ID card and get a new student ID card with the new, correct name.
The dgti ID card can be ordered online at dgti.org and costs just around 20 euros. It must then be scanned and uploaded to tuPORT under “my applications” in tuPORT. Finally, an e-mail must be sent for the new free student ID card to the card issuing office to the address kas@studsek.tu-berlin.de.

Criticism of TU: We are very pleased that it is finally possible to change one’s own name and gender entry as a student without changing one’s personal status, however, the TU is far from perfect in the context of TIN* rights.

Presentation of the petition #TINclusiveUni and demands to TU: We as the Queer Department support the Berlin-wide campaign #TINclusiveUni and appeal to the TU Berlin to finally implement the demands of trans*, inter* and/or non-binary students and workers!
The TU Berlin must act immediately and make sure that a signed application is enough to change the gender and name entry for both students and employees!
The regulations for changing the name and/or gender entry in the databases of
universities must be uniform and transparent throughout Berlin. We demand that the TU Berlin makes this a high priority.
The TU Berlin must ensure that a smooth change of name and/or gender entry is not only possible in internal, but also in external documents of the university! We also demand that the communication of information about these processes is transparent and that it is made available to all students and workers.
TIN* students at the TU Berlin must be able to decide for themselves where they appear with which names, forms of address or pronouns! So that they can also differ so that TIN* students can achieve maximum self-determination.
This is the only way to ensure that TIN* students can make a self-determined decision about a possible outing.
We call on the TU Berlin to sensitise staff and professors to the concerns of TIN* students!
Furthermore, we as queer department plead for the exclusion of the gender-specific form from all administrative processes, such as certificates, emails, etc.!
And we demand the adaptation of forms to non-binary genders, by allowing “diverse” and “no indication” to be ticked off as well.
Please sign the petition and put pressure on TU and the Berlin Senate to end discrimination against TIN* students and staff. You can find the link on our homepage.

16 Apr

Welcome in the summer semester 21

Dear first semesters, dear (long-term) students,we hope you have survived the syllabus week well and wish you a good start into the new semester. We, the General Students’ Committee (AStA) are the Students Union of the TU Berlin. We try to represent your interests as best we can, also in times of the Corona Pandemic, […]

30 Mar

TU Student Union Statement on #unizu #nichtnuronline and Co

In the course of the recent easing of lockdown restrictions, initiatives such as #nichtnuronline called for a (partial) opening of the universities. The AStA has been contacted by individuals and initiatives and asked to support these and similar demands. However, supporting reopening initiatives while infections continue to rise and vaccines for students are nowhere in […]

08 Mar

We celebrate the feminist strike day on March 8th!

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21 Jan

Solidarity with the students in Boğaziçi University

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10 Dec

Solidarity with the students of Belarus


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24 Nov

Newest law impact in times of Corona on your BAföG

On 28.09.2020 the Berlin Senate passed the long-discussed “Gesetz zur Abmilderung der Folgen der COVID-19-Pandemie im Bereich des Hochschulrechts”. Here we have compiled more detailed information about this. This article focuses on the (expected) impact on your BAföG or the “Leistungsnachweis” after the 4th Bachelor’s semester. As AStA, we find it frustrating that for months […]

18 Sep

Decided: extended “individual standard period of study” ( verlängerte “individuelle Regelstudienzeit”) for BAföG during Corona + “free trial” (“Freiversuch”) in exams

Yesterday on September 17, 2020, the Berlin University Act was amended and the “individual standard period of study” (“Förderungshöchstdauer”) was extended by one semester. That means you will get BAföG one semester longer, regardless of whether you are already in a “funding over the maximum funding period” (“Förderungs über die Förderungshöchstdauer hinaus”). The only important […]