15 Dec

Against all antisemitism and racism – on campus and everywhere else! Solidarity with all victims

In recent weeks, antisemitic and racist graffiti and propaganda have increasingly appeared on our campus at TU Berlin. Particularly Jews and BIPoC are being targeted and attacked, and/or are feeling unsafe. Antisemitism is currently on the rise, with reports indicating an increase of three hundred times. Jews, synagogues, and places and institutions marked as Jewish […]

30 Oct

Newsletter with information about BAföG, Bürgergeld, heating costs, semester ticket & more – AStA BAföG and Social Counseling WiSe 23/24

Dear fellow students, We welcome you to our new newsletter from the AStA TU BAföG and Social Counseling in the winter semester 2023/24! We provide solidarity-based and biased advice to students on issues related to student financing and more. In our new newsletter, we want to inform you about news and changes related to AStA counseling topics in a […]

27 Sep

Ticket for the Winter Semester 2023/24

Table of contents: What is the current status? The TU Berlin student parliament decided on 8 June 2023 not to extend the semester ticket at the current conditions, as the offer of the Verkehrsverbund Berlin Brandenburg (VBB) does not justify a solidarity model. Solidarity model means that all students must pay for a ticket regardless […]

27 Sep

Until October 2, 2023 | Applying for the 200-euro one-off payment for students (Einmalzahlung 200, Energiepauschale)

Many students have not yet applied for the 200-euro one-off payment for students (Einmalzahlung 200, Energiepauschale). The reason often given is that the application process was too time-consuming or simply not possible. On March 15, 2023, the TU Berlin sent PINs to all eligible students, which make it much easier to apply for 200-euro one-off […]

14 Jun

How do I get the 9-Euro-Sozialticket as a student? [HOW TO]

You are eligible for the 9-Euro-Sozialticket (Berlin AB) if you receive social benefits such as housing allowance (Wohngeld), citizen´s benefit (Bürgergeld), basic income or benefits according to the Asylbewerberleitungsgesetz. Unfortunately, students who receive BAföG are not included, we as AStA demand from the politicians to change this as soon as possible! Most often, students are […]

12 Jun

End of the Semesterticket

Information on ticket options and new information can be found here:https://asta.tu-berlin.de/en/artikel-englisch/ticket-for-the-winter-semester-2023-24/ As of the winter semester 2023/24, there will no longer be a semester ticket. This was decided by the student parliament (StuPa) in its meeting last Thursday, 08.06.23.  The reason for this is the failed negotiations with the VBB. Already in the past semesters, […]