16 Jan

Retroactive allowance for BAföG for final theses within a company

Did you receive payment for your thesis within a company during your studies?

If the thesis in the company was not necessarily prescribed in your study regulations, you can now reclaim some of your money! Previously, it was regulated that the compensation for final theses, just like that of compulsory internships, was completely(!) deducted from your BAföG amount. An administrative court has now ruled that the free allowance also applies to this income.

This gives you the opportunity to submit an “Überprüfungsantrag” in accordance with §44. This allows you to reclaim amounts that have been deducted in excess retroactively for 4 years. Simply write a signed letter to your BAföG office, attach the following PDF and state the period in which the money was deducted!


If you have any problems, please contact us!

AStA TU BAföG and social counseling