01 Apr

The effects of Corona on your studies

Here you will find a summary of all short and long term changes and new regulations for examinations, deadlines and study organisation. Written examinations Since 19.03.2020 there are no more written presence examinations. This means that you don’t have to cancel your registration for any exams you might have. Exam registrations are automatically cancelled. Of […]

18 Mar

No Public Transport for First-Semester Students?!

English Summary of https://lak-berlin.de/pm-kulanz-statt-extrakosten/  The Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg (VBB, berlin’s public transportation service) announced, that first semester students who cannot receive their semester ticket due to the Corona emergency will not obtain usage permission for public transport. Instead, first-semester students should buy single tickets, even though they have already transferred the ticket price of 193.80 €. A […]

03 Dec

Press release on the Berlin-wide Student General Assembly on 02.12.19 and the subsequent disruption of the workshop of the German Rectors’ Conference regarding strategies for internationalization, mobility and permeability

The Berlin students got together on Monday, the 2nd of December, and held a plenary meeting to show solidarity with the revolution in Rojava and other internationalist struggles. An important point of the general assembly was the setting up of demands, which refer to the campaign of the academic boycott originating from England. The demands […]

12 Jul

FAQ strike consequences

https://asta.tu-berlin.de/website_test/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Streikfolgen-FAQ.pdf Dear students of the TU Berlin, dear colleagues and all parties involved in the strike, After the current actions and reactions, we know that increasing anger and incomprehension, but above all insecurity has spread among the students.What will happen if the strike continues? Will I be able to pass my exams? What about my […]