14 Apr

Hartz 4 as a loan for students, model proposal

The AStA Wuppertal in corporation with the Tacheles Association have published a model proposal for Hartz 4 as a loan (§27 SGB II Abs 3 Satz 1) for students.

The money is supposed to be applied for quickly.  And , quote Tacheles : the repayment at the end of your studies should be “inequitable”, so it can be legally rejected if you cannot pay it back.


In addition, there is of course still the possibility to apply for a holiday or part-time study until 18.05. You can also get ALG 2. The advantage of this is that it is then no Darlehen (loan), u haven’t repay it. For more InformationsThis is also possible for EU citizens.

For non-EU citizensizens

In addition to this, non-EU citizens can now apply for some residence permits with the additional provision: “Expires upon receipt of services
according to the SGB II/ XII or AsylbLG”. Also ALG II include, since this regulation in Berlin at present out of force
is set. For the period from 18.03.2020 to 17.06.2020 you can claim benefits according to the SGB II (Hartz IV), SGB XII (social welfare) or the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act. Should the Corona pandemic (the orientation here is currently on 17.06.) and you would like extend your residence permit, you must, however, again prove that you can stay without supplementary social benefits. International students can also apply to the
Studierendenwerk apply for an emergency loan.

More Inforation and ALG II – consulting
