30 Oct

Newsletter with information about BAföG, Bürgergeld, heating costs, semester ticket & more – AStA BAföG and Social Counseling WiSe 23/24

Dear fellow students, We welcome you to our new newsletter from the AStA TU BAföG and Social Counseling in the winter semester 2023/24! We provide solidarity-based and biased advice to students on issues related to student financing and more. In our new newsletter, we want to inform you about news and changes related to AStA counseling topics in a […]

14 Jun

How do I get the 9-Euro-Sozialticket as a student? [HOW TO]

You are eligible for the 9-Euro-Sozialticket (Berlin AB) if you receive social benefits such as housing allowance (Wohngeld), citizen´s benefit (Bürgergeld), basic income or benefits according to the Asylbewerberleitungsgesetz. Unfortunately, students who receive BAföG are not included, we as AStA demand from the politicians to change this as soon as possible! Most often, students are […]

20 Apr

“Bürgerhartz” Application for Heating and Additional Costs Refunds for Part-Time Students and some Others!

All students who are not studying full-time (i.e., if you are studying part-time, on a leave of absence (Urlaubssemester), or not studying at all) are advised to apply for a “Bürgerhartz” application if you receive a refund for heating and/or additional costs from your landlord! If you submit a “Bürgerhartz” application in the month of […]

22 Mar

Tips and criticism: The €200 energy cost flat rate for students is a sad joke – nevertheless, you can apply for it

++++UPDATE 3/15/2023: The TU Berlin has sent all TU students their access code by mail. How to get the payment you can read below++++ The €200 energy cost flat rate (Energiepreispauschale) for students and technical college students, decided by the federal government in September 2022 (!), is finally supposed to be paid out! However, the […]

22 Mar

Second heating cost subsidy (Heizkostenzuschuss) for students with BAföG or housing allowance (Wohngeld) (€345 or €415) in spring 2023

Just like the first heating cost subsidy (Heizkostenzuschuss) in fall 2022, a second subsidy for BAföG and housing allowance (Wohngeld) recipients is also planned to be paid out this spring 2023. For Berlin, the payment is expected to start in April. The amount is €345 for BAföG recipients and €415 for housing allowance (Wohngeld) recipients […]

10 Nov

Social counseling: Higher earnings in family health insurance possible and up to 3,000€ “Inflationsausgleichsprämie”

Higher earnings limit in family health insurance: Due to the increase of the mini-job limit from 450 to 520 EUR, the limit for remaining in the family health insurance of the statutory health insurance funds has accordingly also increased from 450 to 520 EUR. In addition to the mini-job limit, a limit of €470 continues […]