20 Sep

More Students to Receive BAföG: Information and Critical Response to the 27th BAföG Amending Law 2022

The 27th BAföG amending law took effect on 21 July 2022. What impacts does this have for BAföG recipients and students who were previously ineligible for BAföG?

Introduction: Despite some positive amendments, the BAföG reform remains a drop in the ocean. According to a study conducted by the Paritätische social welfare organization published in May 2022, 30% of all students in Germany live in poverty. Given the rising costs of living and increases in energy bills, it can be assumed that this number will continue to rise dramatically and that the latest BAföG reform will do little to stop this as it doesn’t even keep pace with inflation.  What we need then is a structural change to BAföG!

You can find information about how BAföG has developed since 1970 (it was originally conceived as a full scholarship!) as well as calls for greater fairness in education on the website of the campaign “50 Jahre BAföG – (k)ein Grund zum feiern!”

However, it may well be worth your while to apply for BAföG. We recommend you check now to see if you qualify and submit an application as soon as possible (if you apply by the end of October 2022, you will get your BAföG payments backdated to include October as well). If you have any questions, drop by our advising sessions on Tuesdays (video advising) and Fridays (in September still offered in presence) from 10:00 to 16:00. You can find further details here.

Changes starting winter semester 2022/23:

You can find a detailed overview of all changes at Studis Online (only in German).

1) The maximum BAföG payment for students will increase by just 5.75%. Instead of EUR 752, the maximum BAföG payment will now be EUR 812. This includes an increase in the rent subsidy for all students not living with their parents from EUR 325 to EUR 360. The rent subsidy for students living with their parents will increase from EUR 56 to EUR 59 per month.

In addition, students with student health insurance will now receive a supplement of EUR 122. Students over 30 are required to have regular statutory health insurance and will now receive EUR 205.

The total BAföG maximum payment for students not living with their parents and who have student insurance is now EUR 934 per month.

2) The upper age limit to receive BAföG increases to 45! In addition, there are exceptions that allow you to receive BAföG even later – e.g. if you took your High school diploma on the second educational path, start your Master’s immediately after your Bachelor’s or for family reasons.

3) The asset allowance is increased to EUR 15,000 or EUR 45,000 (if aged 30 or above). See Studis Online.

4) The childcare supplement is now worth EUR 160 per month.

5) Student jobs and BAföG: You can earn up to EUR 520 per month in a mini job without your BAföG payments being affected!

6) Income allowance for your parents increases by 20.75%: This means that if your married parents’ net income does not exceed EUR 2,415, you can now qualify for the maximum BAföG rate! This also means that more students whose parents have higher net incomes are entitled to BAföG.

Translated by TU Berlin Translation Services