End of the Semesterticket

Information on ticket options and new information can be found here:
As of the winter semester 2023/24, there will no longer be a semester ticket. This was decided by the student parliament (StuPa) in its meeting last Thursday, 08.06.23.
The reason for this is the failed negotiations with the VBB. Already in the past semesters, the ticket price was only not raised due to subsidies from the Berlin Senate, such as the most recent 75 euros in the summer semester 2023.
The StuPa decided that the AStA should not sign a semester ticket contract under the current conditions. The current contract ends at the end of the summer semester.
1.) What does this mean for you?
- From 1 October 2023, the ticket on your student ID card is no longer valid.
- You will have to buy a ticket on your own.
- The semester fee will decrease by 193.80 euros
- You cannot apply for a semester ticket subsidy for the winter semester 2023/24.
2.) Which ticket offers are there?
- The Jobticket (discounted Deutschlandticket) for a maximum of 34.30 euros/month through your employer.
- The Berlin-Ticket S (social ticket) for 9 euros/month for the AB area if you receive Bürgergeld, Sozialhilfe, Grundsicherung, Leistungen nach dem Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz, Wohngeld, Opferrenten nach dem SED-Unrechtsbereinigungsgesetz oder NS-Ausgleichsrenten. (Unfortunately, this does not apply to BAföG recipients)
- -> more information on how you can apply for housing benefit or citizen’s allowance as a student can be found at the bottom of this email!
- The Deutschlandticket for 49 euros/month
3.) Which ticket offers should there be in the future?
- The 29 Euro ticket for the AB area
- The 19 Euro ticket for students in Berlin
It is now the duty of the Berlin Senate to ensure that mobility is guaranteed for all students. The demands of the StuPa are
- The inclusion of all BAföG recipients in the social ticket,
- Ensuring the mobility of all international students at the TU Berlin,
- the continuation of the subsidy model for students to get a ticket,
- the inclusion of bicycle transport and
- the extension of the Sozialticket to the Berlin C area.
Information events on the semester ticket are also planned. These will be announced in good time.
4.) How do I get the 9-Euro-Social Ticket as a student?
You are eligible for the 9-Euro-Sozialticket (Berlin AB) if you receive social benefits such as Wohngeld, Bürgergeld (“Bürgerhartz”), Grundsicherung or benefits according to the Asylum Seekers’ Guidance Act. Unfortunately, students who receive BAföG are not included. We as AStA demand that the politicians change this as soon as possible!
Most often, students from this list are entitled to Wohngeld or Bürgergeld.
With this, you automatically get a proof of eligibility (QR code) and can buy the 9-Euro-Sozialticket at the BVG.
Therefore, we have explained both options here: https://asta.tu-berlin.de/en/artikel-englisch/how-do-i-get-the-9-euro-sozialticket-as-a-student-how-to/
Deciding which is the best way for you to secure your student funding and a ticket depends very much on your individual situation. That’s why you’re welcome to come to the BAföG and social counselling office to find out what suits you best!
We advise:
- Tuesdays via video with appointment booking: https://termine.astatu.berlin/2 and
- Fridays 10-16 h in the AStA (without appointment).
- Further information on our website: https://asta.tu-berlin.de/bafoeg-und-sozialberatung/