All WLINTA* with and without a TU background are welcome to join. We have our own room in the AStA building and organize events and projects together with the aim of bringing feminist topics to the campus.
We have a weekly plenary session that you are welcome to attend.
We meet every Wednesday at 6 pm (Legislature 2024/25)
You can usually find us in our room TK016 in the AStA building
(TK building ground floor, 2nd door on the left)
During the lecture-free period, our plenums will mainly take place online.
Please let us know if you are planning to attend a plenary session. We would like to take the time to give you a short introduction and not overload you with our current organizational topics without context. If you have any other questions or simply want to find out more about us, please get in touch. You can reach us at flinta[at]asta.tu-berlin.de
We look forward to hearing from you!
The department:
The WLINTA Department is an autonomous department and as such part of the AStA TUB. As diverse as the topics dealt with in the F-Ref are, so are the people who are involved here. We stand up for the empowerment and equal rights of WLINTA persons of all cultural and sexual identities. We see womxnhood as a contingent, social construct that is produced not only from seemingly biological traits, but through language and interaction. We see ourselves as a contact point for students who are affected by discrimination of any kind, but also as a place for students who want to get involved in feminist activism. We want to be able to talk freely about sexism, racism, heteronormativity, homophobia and transphobia, to empower each other, to listen, but also to discuss respectfully and ask questions. Especially at a cis-male dominated university like ours it is important to be able to have a (safer) space to retreat into the alternative.
All WLINTA (Womxn, Lesbian, Inter, Trans, Non-binary, Agender people) are warmly invited to our meetings! Events held in the ASTA general assembly room (1st floor) are not barrier-free. The ASTA auditorium and our office (TK 015 + 016, ground floor) are barrier-free.
For more information about our events, please take a look at our German website https://asta.tu-berlin.de/flintareferat/ (e.g. with deepl, google translate,…) or take a look into our telegram channel or instagram! We are working on this English site here!
Mail: flinta[at]asta.tu-berlin.de
Post: AStA der TU Berlin, Frauen*referat, Sekr. TK 2, Str. des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin
Telegram info channel: