Dear guests of the AStA TU Berlin,
in order to get through the current chaos semester (WiSe 21/22) as safe as possible, but still be able to open our doors for guests, we have agreed on some rules for the visit of the AStA TU Berlin, which have to be observed in any case:
1. only fully vaccinated and recovered people have access to our rooms, please show us your proofs without being asked. Even if you have been vaccinated with vaccines not approved in the EU, this is not a problem. People who can’t get vaccinated against COVID-19 or if they don’t have full vaccination protection yet, please contact us beforehand and then we will find a solution. If you need something from the AStA and don’t have the appropriate proof, please let us know beforehand.
2. in the rooms of the AStA it is still obligatory to wear a FFP2-mouth-nose-protection (please make sure that it fits properly). Only at the permanent workplaces of our employees the FFP2 mask can be removed, if ALL people in the room are okay with it.
3. disinfect your hands thoroughly with sufficient virucidal disinfectant before entering the building and the rooms of the AStA.
4. please sign up for contact tracking lists or use the university’s QR code solution for this purpose.
5. for our face-to-face counseling services, please register in advance via email or online and arrive on time for your appointment. We will still be available by email, phone, or via Jitsi depending on the advising session if the appointment didn’t work out.
6. 1.5 meters distance between each other must be kept. If there are too many people in the waiting areas or hallways, please wait outside our premises (in the best case outside the door or come back a little later). We regularly ventilate our rooms for a few minutes about every 20 minutes to ensure the best possible air exchange in the rooms that are not equipped with air filtration systems.