
Whether advising, office work, the finance department, semester ticket office, technology pool, library, or system administration, TU Berlin’s student self-administration is almost entirely run by students. They work in a cooperative structure based on common interests and mutual respect.

Ordinarily, we advertise positions with 41 hours per month for two years at EUR 17.73 per hour; this is comparable to the collective wage agreement for student assistants. We organize our work in such a way so that jobs in the AStA can be balanced with your studies, other political involvement, and family/personal life.

  • Job announcment: Technical Equipment Pool
    We are looking for a new collective member for the Technikpool of the AStA of TU Berlin, probably by July 1st 2025. What is the Technikpool of the AStA of the TUB? The Technikpool offers all students a rich selection of things to borrow, which are frequently needed in the student body, but are not… Read more: Job announcment: Technical Equipment Pool
  • Job advertisement Student Ticket Office
    Job advertisement Student Ticket Office We are looking for a new collective member for the software development and administration of the and administration of the office web apps of the semester ticket office of the AStA of the TU Berlin.