Confusing letter “Bescheid über Heizkostenzuschuss” from BAföG-Amt?

Since we keep getting questions about the “Bescheid über Heizkostenzuschuss” letter from the BAföG-Amt, here is an explanation: The letter is to be understood as a notification! It is a letter that goes out to all students and explains that IF you have also received housing allowance (Wohngeld) in addition to the BAföG, a double payment of the heating allowance (230 € BAföG / 270 € housing allowance (Wohngeld)) is not allowed.
All those who have not received a housing allowance and are not considered as a household member in a housing allowance notice (and have also received a heating allowance there), can ignore this letter!
If you have received the heating allowance twice, make sure to pay back the 230€!
The 300€ energy allowance (Energiepreispauschale) that many have received from their employers is NOT meant here. Heizkostenzuschuss + Energiepreispauschale are possible together.