6.7.22 – On Solidarity with Ukraine: Pacifism or Arms Supplies

Catch-up Discussion for German Leftists
The educational policy department in the AStA of the TU and the group “Good Night Imperial Pride” would like to initiate a discussion on whether the military defense of Ukraine should not also be supported from a left perspective. We invite you to the panel discussion on the alignment of solidarity support for Ukraine, particularly on the question of arms deliveries to Ukraine.

- Oksana Dutchak (sociologist, Kyiv)
- Masha (anarchist activist, Kharkiv – remote from the Ukrainian Front)
- Anastasia Tikhomirova (journalist, Berlin)
Time: Wednesday, 6.7.2022 at 18:30.
Address: Café Planwirtschaft, Technical University of Berlin, Hardenbergstr. 40A, Sekr. B1, 10623 Berlin.
Language: English (spoken).
The event will take place in presence. We would like to ask you to send us a short mail if you are coming and if so with how many people. Please send to bipo@asta.tu-berlin.de. In the subject line please write “arms deliveries”. The registration is not obligatory, but for the organization in pandemic times it would be great.
There is no charge for entry. We would ask you to be vaccinated and/or recovered (2G) and also ask you to be tested on the day of the event (this is also possible free of charge at the main building of the TU). Wearing a FFP2/KN95 mask is also mandatory.