
1. What exactly is the semester ticket and how much does it cost?

The Semesterticket is a personal, non-transferable season ticket for local public for the public transport system (ÖPNV). Your student ID is not your ticket anymore. Please never show your student ID to the controllers.

The QR Code is not printable and will not be accepted in paperform. you have to show the ticket from your smartphone, in case needed you have to show a personal id to confirm your identity.

please never let your students ids to be scanned, this will show as inactive and you will get a fine.

2. How long is the semester ticket valid?

According to the contract always one day before, respectively after the beginning or end of the first semester, d. h.:
In the summer semester: from March 31 – October 1.
In the winter semester: from September 30 – April 1.

3. Where can I ride with the ticket?

With the Semesterticket you can travel on all lines of all of all transport companies of the Verkehrsverbund Germany. exactly the same as DEUTSCHLANDTICKET with deutschlandsemesterticket you can travel through whole germany excluded is ICE/EC.

4. Who or what can I take with me?

The Semesterticket entitles children up to the age of 6 (up to three children on ferries) to travel with the holder of the ticket, luggage, a dog, a baby carriage Otherwise the general conditions of carriage of the transport companies apply. the conditions are exactly as a normal deutschlandticket.

5. Do I have to purchase the semester ticket at all?

Yes, the Semesterticket is a mandatory contribution for all regular students of the TU/UdK/ASH Berlin. The payment is a prerequisite for enrollment and re-registration. In special cases, an exemption from the obligation to pay or a a subsidy for the ticket fee is possible. The details on the collection of the fee, exemptions and subsidies are regulated by the student parliament of the TU Berlin in the Semesterticket Statutes, according to § 18 a IV of the Berlin Higher Education Act of December 4, 2001. These statutes are published in the Official Bulletin of the TU Berlin (AMBl. TU) No. 7/2002, as well as in the Anzeiger der Universität der Künste No. 1/2003 p. 9. Applications for exemption from ASH students are processed by the semester ticket office of ASH. More Info here: https://asta-ash.eu/referat-fuer-semtix/

6. I have an annual or company ticket for public transportation. public transportation. Do I have to pay twice now?

No, You can return the subscription. As soon as you receive the semester ticket for the semester in question, take it to the Zeitkartenbüro (season ticket office) of the ticket office of the transport company from which you bought the ticket. There you can return the unused monthly and any amounts already paid will be refunded.

If you have a company ticket, you should cancel it to avoid multiple payments. Semesterticket is an obligatory payment for everybody. An exemption due to jobticket is not possible in wintersemester24/25.

7. I am also studying at another university. How does that work with the semester ticket?

If the other university you are enrolled is in germany then you are liable to pay the fee at the university where you were enrolled first.

8. How do I get the ticket?

in Wintersemester 24/25, tickets are available only in digital form as QR Code in your smartphone.

Students without smartphone please contact the university consultation of Asta. ( Hochschulberatung des Astas TU Berlin).

The Semesterticket of the ASH and UdK Berlin will be also only digital and in smartphone active.

For questions, please contact the IPA as a UDK student and the enrollment ASH to the enrollment office.

9. I always ride my bike/car. I don’t need the ticket. Can I get an exemption?

No, you can’t. There is only an exemption from the obligation to pay contributions for students, who cannot use the ticket for health or study-related reasons (see point 12). If you do not want to use it but you could use it in principle, you have to pay for it. The Semesterticket is a solidarity model. This means that all students pay the price together, so that the service is significantly cheaper for everyone. that includes promotionstudents as well as part time students.

10. I am an exchange student or scholarship holder at the TU/UdK/ASH Berlin. Do I also receive a semester ticket?

Yes, even students who are only enrolled at the TU/UdK/ASH for a limited period of time and will not graduate here must pay the semester ticket fee and will of course receive the semester ticket in return.

11. I do not live in the fare area Berlin ABC. I can’t use the ticket there. Do I still have to pay it?

Yes, if you live outside of berlin. its absolutly no problem. the new semesterticket is deutschlandsemesterticket and is in whole germany valid.

12. What possibilities are there to be exempted from the obligation to pay for the semester ticket?

Students who are entitled to transportation according to the law for severely handicapped persons or who can prove that they are in possession of the addendum with the corresponding token directly at the CampusCenter of the TU /IPA of the UdK are generally exempt from the obligation to pay. Otherwise, exemption from the obligation to pay the fee is only possible if one of the reasons for exemption is fulfilled, which are specified in the contract of the student body with the VBB and also submits an application for exemption to the Semesterticket Office. Eligible for exemption are:

– people who will not/cannot use the ticket due to a health impairment.

– people who stay outside of germany due to study reasons for at least three consecutive months in one semester due to studies.**

– who apply for a semester of leave, will get an exemption and refund automatically without application.

– Format (so the way this looks now is hard to follow).

** At ASH: Students who, due to a praxis semester or due to working on their thesis for their degree, spend at least four – in justified exceptional cases also three – consecutive months of the respective semester outside of the tariff zone.

13. What is the difference between exemption and grant?


If you cannot or do not want to use the ticket and you meet one of the reasons under point 12, you can be exempted from the obligation to pay the fee. You will then receive a student ID that does not have the note “Semesterticket Berlin ABC” on it (UDK) or a deactivated chip card (TU). This student card is then also not valid as a travel authorization. Due to an exemption reason that has to be proven, you do not have to pay for the ticket, but then logically you cannot use it either.


In case of special financial difficulties and/or if various hardship cases are fulfilled, it is possible to apply for a subsidy for the semester ticket from the social fund. Just drop by our semester ticket office for more detailed advice. You should know, however, that the application for a grant is independent of the rest of the re-registration/enrollment process. First of all, you have to pay the fee as usual and in return you will receive a normal student ID that is valid as a semester ticket. If your application for a grant is approved, you will be reimbursed for the semester ticket and the social fund that you previously paid, but you may of course use the ticket.

14. When can I reduce the contribution for the re-registration by the semester ticket and the social fund?

If you receive your positive exemption notice before the re-registration deadline, then you can pay a reduced amount. Anyhow, we do not advise you to pay a reduced amount.

15. What happens if I submit my application after the re-registration deadline?

Only full months can be exempted, and repayment will be proportional to exempted months.

16. What happens if I have not paid the semester ticket fees by the re-registration deadline because I have submitted an exemption or subsidy application and have not yet received a reply?

You will not be re-registered. The University will not complete your re-registration/enrollment until you have paid all the fees you are obligated to pay. If you apply for a subsidy, you must pay the ticket fee first, without any exceptions, but you will be refunded if your application is approved. If you have submitted your application for exemption too late (the application should have arrived at the semester ticket office at least 2 weeks before the re-registration deadline), you should pay the full amount. After the end of the re-registration period, a reminder fee will be charged. For students who re-register too late, the university does not guarantee that the semester ticket/student ID will be delivered on time. Also not for possible costs for tickets, if the tick arrives too late. So it’s better to take care of everything in time or get information from us in the semester ticket office, then there shouldn’t be any stress.

17. I live within walking distance of the university. Do I still have to pay the ticket?

Yes, even students who live right next to the university have to pay the semester ticket fee. However, even in this case, it is worthwhile to contact the semester ticket office for information about applying for a grant from the social fund.

18. What happens after de-enrollment?

Attention! After your de-enrollment, the Deutschlandsemesterticket is no longer valid.

TU students: Please enter your IBAN in the TU online portal to receive a refund for the remaining amount.

UdK and ASH students: Please contact your enrollment office directly.

19. I live outside of Berlin ABC. What do I have to do?

the ticket is german wide valid so it doesnt matter where you live.

20. How can I apply for an exemption or a grant?

If you want to apply, you first need an application form. You can find these either directly at the Semesterticket office or on the homepage.

Technische Universität Berlin Semesterticket-Büro H 8113 -8114 Straße des 17. Juni 135 10623 Berlin Tel. 314-28038.

please make sure that your application comes with all the related documents. an application of exemption without documents will be rejected right away.

The timely receipt at the Semesterticketbüro is decisive for the processing.

21. What is the Semesterticket Office and where can I find it?

The Semesterticket Office is responsible for all applications for exemption from the obligation to pay fees and applications for subsidies for the Semesterticket. You can always find the current opening hours on our homepage http://asta.tu-berlin.de/semtix H 8113- 8114 Phone: 314-28038 Fax: 314-28162 E-Mail: semesterticket@asta.tu-berlin.de

During these hours, our staff is available to answer your questions or provide advice in person or by phone.