Corona and BAföG your performance record
Due to the Corona- Pandemic, the university administration is only working at minimum capacity. If you are in your 4th Semester and you don’t have the performance record ( Leistungsnachweis), you are going to ask yourself, how to get it.
On the 17th of April The Federal Ministry for education and research made a publication called „ Kein Nachteil beim Bafög wegen Corona.“ ( No disadvantage for Bafög because of Corona).
In Paragraph 6 they discuss how to deal with students who are NOT able to get the performance record, this semester. You are still going to get Bafög EVEN IF YOU ARE NOT ABLE TO GET THE PERFORMANCE RECORD! That means: you are going to get your money until the Bafög-Beauftragte (of your course of study) is able to fill in your certificate.
If you are not getting a performance record later on, because you don’t have enough ECCs, don’t panic, this semester is not counting as a proper semester. Here is a link, with the reasons to postponement.
We would also interpret from the Publication that you DON’T have to tell the Bafög-Amt, how many ECCs-Points you have. If you tell them, they are probably going to create their own rating. In most cases we wouldn’t recommend that. If you still have questions, we are here for you.
Be careful though, they might want the money paid back, because of things unrelated to Corona. For example, if you didn’t make enough ECCs and you cannot justify that, you may be asked to repay your BaföG. Furthermore, you are required to apply at least two months BEFORE the end of the last approved period of payments. We will try and talk to the Bafög-Amt, and hope they are going to be fair about it.
Here you can find more Information about funding gaps.