Against all antisemitism and racism – on campus and everywhere else! Solidarity with all victims

In recent weeks, antisemitic and racist graffiti and propaganda have increasingly appeared on our campus at TU Berlin. Particularly Jews and BIPoC are being targeted and attacked, and/or are feeling unsafe. Antisemitism is currently on the rise, with reports indicating an increase of three hundred times. Jews, synagogues, and places and institutions marked as Jewish are being subjected to antisemitic attacks. Racist incidents are also increasing significantly, manifesting in heightened asylum laws and political demands for more deportations, which are already being implemented by the government with brutal racist severity.

We call on all students, teaching staff, and other employees at TU Berlin and university libraries to stand in solidarity with the affected individuals! Intervene in antisemitic, racist, and other discriminatory incidents if that is wanted by those affected! If you are not comfortable intervening alone, seek support, talk to colleagues or fellow students!

We urge the university to take immediate action against antisemitic and racist graffiti on campus (often in restrooms), to remove them, and to support those affected. Support services and information must be provided in a low-threshold and barrier-free manner.

We call on all TU staff, our fellow students, and comrades to report all antisemitic, racist, right-wing, and other discriminatory incidents and/or propaganda to existing monitoring centers and inform affected individuals that there are support and counseling services available in Berlin.

If you are personally affected, witness antisemitic or (anti-muslim) racist incidents/statements, or discover graffiti, posters, stickers, you can seek support and report them to the following counseling centers: