08 Jul

Preliminary result of the other survey on the Germany-wide semester ticket and objection period

In the other survey on the Germany-wide semester ticket in the winter semester 2024, which took place from July 1 to 5, 2024, significantly more than the required 10% of the student body voted in favor of the ticket. In addition, a clear majority overall. The Germany-wide semester ticket was therefore recommended for approval by the student body.

Valid votes: 7037
Yes votes: 6611 (93.95%)
No votes: 426 (6.05%)

Up to and including Thursday, 11.07.2024, there is now the opportunity to lodge a reasoned objection to this result. The objection can be submitted in writing directly to the AStA (personal delivery or in the mailbox of the TK building) or sent by e-mail to verkehrsausschuss@asta.tu-berlin.de as a PDF. The objection must include a clear name, matriculation number and a signature.

Thank you for the great participation in the other survey!

Your transport committee of the student parliament